PR20 - Jardim do Mar hiking

« A short climb to discover the most beautiful views of Jardim do Mar »

The PR20 trail - Vereda do Jardim do Mar, is a short hiking trail that allows you to gain height and admire a magnificent view of the small village of Jardim do Mar, which faces the ocean. The path is obviously well maintained and will allow you to discover the different terraced crops.

A short climb of 1.2 km (2.4 km round trip) takes you to the small village of Prazeres. Once there, there is the possibility to visit this village, then turn around to go back down to Jardim do Mar, about 1 to 1.5 hours walk.

vue sur le village de Jardim do Mar - PR20
« Little shade at Jardim do Mar by VinceTraveller is licensed with CC BY 2.0. »

For the more experienced walkers who are still hungry, there is also the possibility of continuing the walk to PR19 - Caminho Real do Paul do Mar. A winding path that descends to the village of Paul do Mar. Then you will walk along the pebble beach to return gently to Jardim do Mar.



Carte interactive de PR20 - Jardim do Mar hiking

Légende de la carte :

------ PR 20 - Jardim do Mar - environ 1.27 km    Point de départ   Point d'arrivée de la randonnée.
Musées et visites
Point non identifié


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