Who am I?
We are in 2020, I am 35 years old and I am a project manager in the Web. I started on the web out of passion with personal projects that I gradually abandoned for lack of time, more than 15 years ago. So I've been swimming in the Web for a long time now. I am interested in all these aspects: UX, SEO, content marketing, development, architecture, data... I also have a slightly different vision of this profession. Nowadays, websites via CMS are real gas factories, with lots of features that slow down the user experience. The idea of this site was also to give myself a little technological challenge: to create a fast and practical site. The exact opposite of what is done now. The race for this advanced technology, which is increasingly heavy and energy-consuming, is a problem for me personally. I'm fed up with popups, with sites that take 15 seconds to load, that pump up a crazy amount of bandwidth. That's why, on this new site, I wanted to make it simple and efficient, and propose a fun site without all this junk.
Why did you create a site about Madeira?
Travelling has been on my mind for some time now. Last year, I had the great opportunity to go to an island in the Canaries. I was very hesitant about Madeira and that's why my new travel project is turning to the Atlantic garden. At the beginning of this project, I wanted to create my own road-book, even if it is very likely that I will go with an agency like the 1st time. During my first trip, I had, in a hurry, looked for the most beautiful spots and the secret corners not to be missed. It's only when I came back that I realised, even if I came back 100% satisfied, that I was a bit fooled by the lack of preparation and knowledge and that I lost a bit of time on the spot, that I had missed some places. This time, with this damn COVID-19, I told myself that I had plenty of time, and as I am curious by nature I wanted to share my research on the island. At the beginning, I didn't want to bother with the technique, I wanted to open a blog and I started like that. But very quickly, and this is my fault, the tool did not suit me. I was reading a lot and I had trouble prioritising information across the different posts. So I took charge and launched this site with an interactive map of Madeira: the aim is to be able to find one's way through this incredible flow of information.
Un très grand merci pour ton site dont on me fait souvent référence! il est remarquablement bien construit et on ne saurais jamais assez te remercier du résultat de ton reportage, je t'informe de plus que openIA t'a deja répertoriez dans sa mémoire de recherche et elle propose ton site quand on demande a openIA de nous trouver une chambre d'hôte a Madere côté nord... encore bravo!!!