Glossary for travelling to Madeira

Mots spécifiques à la cartographie de Madère :

When I started to work on this site, I realised that some words were often used, especially in the cartography part. At the beginning I was content to use existing GPX tracks, notably for all the known spots of the island: the picos, the levadas, then as I went along, I created a few routes for short walks, in order to illustrate the site properly. So I listed some key words that I often came across.

Caminho : path
Estrada: road
Picos : point
praia : beach
antiga: old
Ilhéeu : islet
chão: ground
da cruz : of the cross
Miradouro : viewpoint
Levada : irrigation canal
Vereda : path
floresta : forest
Ribeiro : stream
Ribeira : river
Caminho : path
Estrada : road
Picos : point
praia : beach
antiga : old
Ilhéeu : islet
chão :

Common words in Portuguese :

The minimum needed to communicate with the locals on site, even if English will soon take over from Portuguese...

Olá : hello
por favor : please
obrigado : thanks


Perrine Marquès, le 30-03-2022

Merci pour votre site qui m'aide à me projeter et à préparer sereinement mes bagages. Je décolle samedi pur Madeira ! Bravo car tout est pensé et cela permet de partir la tete sereine !

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