PR hikes in Madeira

With over 2000, even 3000 km of hiking trails Madeira is an incredible island for hiking enthusiasts. Among all these paths, some are recommended by the Madeira Autonomous Government. They are called PR: short walks. Some of them are very well known, and also well maintained and perfectly marked. There are 23 of them in Madeira.

There are 2 types of PR in Madeira, between the levada walks and the more classic walks called veredas.

Here is the official list of Madeira's PR trails:

    PR1 - Vereda do Pico Ruivo (3 possible variants)
    PR2 - Vereda do Urzal
    PR3 - Vereda do Burro
    PR4 - Levada do Barreiro
    PR5 - Vereda das Funduras
    PR6 - Levada of the 25 fountains
        PR6.1 - Levada do Risco
        PR6.2 - Levada do Alecrim: about 7 km - easy - round trip
        PR6.3 - Vereda da Lagoa do Vento
    PR7 - Levada do Moinho
    PR8 - Vereda the Point of Sao Lourenço
    PR9 - Levada do Caldeirão Verde: about 14 km - normal - round trip
    PR10 - Levada do Furado
    PR11 - Vereda dos Balcõe: about 3 km - easy - outward/return
    PR12 - Caminho Real da Encumeada
    PR13 - Vereda do Fanal: about 10 km - normal - itinerant
    PR14 - Levada dos Cedros: about 11 km (5.5 one way) - normal - out and back
    PR15 - Vereda da Ribeira da Janela
    PR16 - Levada Fajã do Rodrigues
    PR17 - Caminho do Pináculo e Folhadal
    PR18 - Levada do Rei: about 10 km - normal - round trip
    PR19 - Vereda Real do Paul do Mar
    PR20 - Vereda do Jardim do Mar
    PR21 - Caminho do Norte
    PR22 - Vereda do Chão dos Louros
    PR23 - Levada da Azenha

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